Thousands of Shoppers Can’t Wait To See
What You Have In Store


Join a marketplace where thousands of buyers around
the world shop for unique items

Fair Trade and Ethical Practices prioritizes fair trade and ethical practices, which can be appealing to both sellers and buyers who value sustainability and social responsibility.

Support for Artisans

The platform is designed to support artisans and sellers by providing tools and resources to help them succeed. This includes marketing support, seller education, and a user-friendly interface for managing listings and orders.

Dedicated Marketplace is specifically tailored for handmade crafts, providing a focused environment where artisans can effectively showcase their products without being overshadowed by mass-produced goods.


Easy to start selling online on just 4 simple steps


Create an Account:

  • Click on the link to begin the registration process.
  • Provide the required information to create your vendor account. This may include your name, email address, business name, contact information, and any other details requested.

Submit Documentation:

  • Submit your documents to to verify your identity and business legitimacy.
  • Commonly requested documents include identification (such as a driver's license or passport), business registration/license, tax identification number, and proof of address.

Create Your Vendor Profile:

  • Once your account is approved, log in to your vendor dashboard.
  • Complete your vendor profile by adding relevant information about your business, such as a brief description, logo or banner image, and any policies or terms regarding shipping, returns, and customer service.

List Your Products:

  • Start listing your handmade crafts for sale on
  • Provide detailed product descriptions, including dimensions, materials used, and any other relevant information.
  • Upload high-quality images of your products to attract potential customers.
  • Set pricing and inventory levels for each item.
  • Review and publish your listings once they are complete.


Affordable, transparent, and secure

It doesn’t cost a thing to list up to 50 items a month, and you only pay after your stuff sells.
It’s just a small percent of the money you earn
Listing Fee
Commission Fee

Here's what you get for your fee:

  • A worldwide community of more than 100 thousand shoppers.
  • Seller protection and customer support to help you sell your stuff.
We process payments with PayStack, an external payments platform that allows you to process transactions with a variety of payment methods. Funds from PayStack sales on will be deposited into your account.

Listings are free, You only pay us our 5% platform commissions.


Here are some common questions about selling on

How do fees work on

Joining and starting a shop on is free. There is a commission fee of 5% on every sale.

It’s free to publish a listing to the marketplace. A listing lasts for four months or until the item is sold. Once an item sells, there is an additional 3.5% transaction fee on the sale price (not including shipping costs). If you accept payments with Paystack, there is also a payment processing fee based on their fee structure.

What do I need to do to create a shop?

t’s easy to set up a shop on Create an account (if you don’t already have one), set your shop location, choose a shop name, create a listing, set a payment method (how you want to be paid), and finally set a billing method (how you want to pay your fees).

How do I get paid?

If you accept payments with Paystack, funds from Paystack sales on will be deposited into your Paystack account. We encourage sellers to use a Paystack.

Do I need a credit or debit card to create a shop?

No, a credit or debit card is not required to create a shop. To be verified as a seller you have the choice to use either a credit card or to register via Paystack. You will not incur any charges until you open your shop and publish your listings.

What can I sell on provides a marketplace for crafters, artists and collectors to sell their handmade creations, vintage goods (at least 20 years old), and both handmade and non-handmade crafting supplies.

Still have more questions? Feel free to contact us.

It's time to start making money.

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