• Good Thing In The Sky

    Various African cultures have their myths, legends, and oral traditions surrounding celestial bodies, which may include stories of deities, heroes, or spirits associated with the sky or celestial events.

    Sold By: Wilson Afoani
  • Kwanzaa Candle Stand

    The Kwanzaa Candle Stand, also known as the Kinara, is a symbolic centerpiece used to celebrate Kwanzaa, an annual cultural holiday observed by African Americans and people of African descent. The Kinara typically consists of seven candle holders, each representing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa known as the Nguzo Saba. These principles include Umoja (Unity), Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility), Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics), Nia (Purpose), Kuumba (Creativity), and Imani (Faith). The central black candle, called the Mishumaa Saba, represents the collective unity of African peoples worldwide. During Kwanzaa, candles are lit each day, one for each principle, in a ceremonial manner to reflect on and honor the values they represent. The Kinara serves as a visual representation of the cultural heritage and principles central to Kwanzaa celebrations.

    Sold By: Wilson Afoani
  • Sankofa

    The Sankofa mask is a traditional African mask from the Akan people of Ghana and Ivory Coast. It features a stylized bird with its head turned backward and often carrying an egg on its back. This imagery symbolizes the concept of “Sankofa,” which means “go back and get it” in the Akan language, signifying the importance of learning from the past to shape the present and future.


    Sold By: Wilson Afoani
  • Back of Africa

    “Back of Africa” is a colloquial term sometimes used to refer to remote or less developed regions of the African continent. It implies areas far from major urban centers or modern infrastructure, often characterized by rugged terrain, sparse population, and limited access to resources and services. This term may carry connotations of isolation, simplicity, and a more traditional way of life compared to more urbanized or developed parts of Africa.

    Back of Africa

    Sold By: Wilson Afoani
  • Two Heads Are Better Than One

    “Two Heads Are Better Than One” is a proverb often cited in African culture, emphasizing the value of collaboration, teamwork, and collective wisdom. It underscores the idea that pooling together diverse perspectives and ideas leads to better solutions and outcomes than relying solely on individual efforts.

    Sold By: Wilson Afoani
  • Hard Work Pays

    In African culture, the belief that “hard work pays” is deeply ingrained and widely embraced. It reflects the understanding that diligent effort, perseverance, and resilience are essential virtues for achieving success and prosperity in life. Across diverse African societies, stories, proverbs, and traditional wisdom emphasize the importance of industriousness and determination in overcoming challenges and realizing one’s aspirations.

    Hard Work Pays

    Sold By: Raymond Afari
  • Wiseman

    A wise man serves as a custodian of tradition, customs, and oral history. He is respected for his wisdom, insight, and ability to offer counsel and guidance in matters ranging from personal disputes to community governance. Drawing from cultural teachings, ancestral wisdom, and spiritual beliefs, a wise man embodies the values of respect, humility, and interconnectedness, playing a vital role in preserving cultural heritage and fostering harmony within the community.


    Sold By: Raymond Afari
  • Stop Thinking

    It encourages someone to pause overanalyzing or worrying excessively about a situation. It implies a need to take a break from incessant mental activity, relax, and perhaps focus on the present moment or engage in activities that promote mindfulness and stress relief.

    Stop Thinking

    Sold By: Raymond Afari
  • Elephant (Beaded)

    Elephants are esteemed for their role in the natural world, serving as stewards of the environment and embodying a deep connection to the earth and its resources. Their iconic stature and gentle demeanor inspire awe and admiration, making them a beloved symbol of African heritage and conservation efforts.

    Sold By: Felix Senyor
  • Dancing Couples

    In African culture, dancing couples epitomize the essence of community, celebration, and cultural heritage. Their movements are often infused with vibrant rhythms, energetic footwork, and expressive gestures that reflect the rich diversity of African traditions. Whether participating in ceremonial rituals, social gatherings, or festive occasions, dancing couples embody a deep sense of connection, unity, and joy. With each step, they honor ancestral traditions, invoke spiritual blessings, and strengthen social bonds within their communities.

    Dancing Couples

    Sold By: Felix Senyor
  • Drummer

    Beyond their technical proficiency, drummers often embody a sense of passion, creativity, and spontaneity, infusing their performances with personality and flair. Whether performing on stage, in recording studios, or as part of cultural ceremonies, drummers captivate listeners with their infectious beats and contribute to the vibrant tapestry of global music.


    Sold By: Felix Senyor

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